I attended a CMA (Christian and Missionary Alliance) Workshop on Saturday. I sat in on 2 presentations by Dick Crider who represents Discipleland and is goes all over the US speaking at Children’s Ministry Conferences and Seminars. He talked about preteens in a class called “Catch them at the back door” then talked about Connecting the Church with Home. He was pretty straightforward about the crises in our churches in regards to young people leaving the church. He mentioned a book be Josh McDowell (The Last Christian Generation Book).
He also mentioned that he is a Dad again at 60 to a 6, 3 and 2 year old. He has his grandkids and is raising the right now. That struck a chord with me, because I was raised by my grandparents. In talking with him, he considers it a priviledge from God to get to witness what he’s talked about for 20 years again modelled right in front of his eyes.
The thing he hit me with was the numbers…. 64% of “Christians” don’t beleive in the total truth of the Bible…. that is almost as high as the non-Christians (90%).
I also got to meet some other Children’s Ministry folks that are in the CMA in our district which was pretty cool.
It wasn’t a Kidology U or anything, but it still was really good for me.